Khong Sao Ve Bat Dau (There is No Way Coming Back to the Start)

Le Cat Trong Ly

The album “Khong sao ve bat dau" consists of 10 songs that Ly composed and were performed by a 12-person orchestra including string quartet, wood quartet, and percussion. They were written in a classic / folk style with the arrangement of Ms. Nguyen Thanh Tu. Recorded in the form of live-in-studio in Hanoi on December 17th and 18th, 2016.

  1. NAY SAO OI - Hey the Stars
  2. CAO HON VI SAO - Beyond the Stars
  3. MIEN KHONG TEN - Unnamed Land
  4. EM DUNG TREN CANH DONG - She Stands on the Field
  5. VI SAO VI SAO - Why Why?
  6. HO NUOC - The Pond
  7. TRON TIM - Hide and Seek
  8. EM DA THUC DAY CHUA - Did You Wake Up?
  9. LAM SAO HET NGU BAY GIO - How to be No Longer Foolish
  10. KHONG SAO VE BAT DAU - There is No Way to Come Back to the Start